Video: On historic day at Nationals Park, Teddy wins his first presidents race championship (and some other stuff)

With playoff home field advantage wrapped up by the home town Nats, the only thing undecided going into Sunday’s regular season finale was question of who would win the 2014 presidents race championship. So while fans at Nationals Park expected little on-field drama, anticipation was high about the final tie-breaking dogfight between four-time champion Abraham … Continue reading Video: On historic day at Nationals Park, Teddy wins his first presidents race championship (and some other stuff)

Justice is not blind as Taft steals blindfold relay race

The Nationals’ racing presidents held a blindfold relay race Wednesday night at Nationals Park, with Washington and Jefferson lining up against the unlikely pairing of Lincoln and Roosevelt. Just before the gun, William Howard Taft entered the field without a blindfold, and the former Chief Justice spun Tom and Teddy around, leading them to collide … Continue reading Justice is not blind as Taft steals blindfold relay race

GIF: Abe Lincoln refuses to pass the baton to George Washington. Literally.

Known for his dirty tricks, “Honest” Abe Lincoln has established himself as the winningest racing president since the opening of Nationals Park; but this season, George Washington has been the class of the field, holding a comfortable lead in the season standings since April. Yet George has been unable to put away a resurgent Abe, … Continue reading GIF: Abe Lincoln refuses to pass the baton to George Washington. Literally.

Video: Racing presidents recall “The Hangover,” George Washington assaults Taft with a cinnamon shaker

With the Detroit Tigers visiting Nationals Park for the first time Wednesday night, the racing presidents chose to trot out one of the most obscure cultural reference in their seven year history of obscure cultural references. In the fourth inning, the presidents attempted to throw off the Tigers by running a relay race in which … Continue reading Video: Racing presidents recall “The Hangover,” George Washington assaults Taft with a cinnamon shaker

Video: HBO’s VEEP Selina Meyer nearly nabs a presidents race victory for Teddy

A 10-foot likeness of actress Julia Louis-Dreyfus participated in the presidents race Tuesday night at Nationals Park, teaming with Teddy Roosevelt in a relay race that came down to the wire. Louis-Dreyfus plays United States Vice President Selina Meyer in the HBO comedy series VEEP, and to promote this Sunday’s season premier, the network partnered … Continue reading Video: HBO’s VEEP Selina Meyer nearly nabs a presidents race victory for Teddy

Video: Shark attacks Teddy, secret service no help as presidents race Olympic tributes continue

The Nationals racing presidents continued their week of Olympic tributes with Friday’s doubleheader at Nationals Park, mixing the predictable with the absurd, and extending Teddy Roosevelt’s winless streak to 496 races. The newly dismantled Miami Marlins arrived in town early for an afternoon makeup game, and the lightly-attended affair included a presidents race first: members … Continue reading Video: Shark attacks Teddy, secret service no help as presidents race Olympic tributes continue

Nats roll out the red, and Teddy falls on wet, cold opening day

It’s fair to say that the 39,055 Nationals faithful who packed the home park for opening day are accustomed to end-of-game suffering. Unfortunately, a near-freezing drizzle forced them to suffer non-stop from Thursday afternoon’s opening pitch. The home team sported a new look for 2011, with six new position players, an improved defense, new home … Continue reading Nats roll out the red, and Teddy falls on wet, cold opening day

Teddy Roosevelt leveled by racing pierogie at Pittsburgh’s PNC Park

The Nationals’ racing presidents and the racing pierogies of Pittsburgh have a 2-year tradition of traveling to each others’ ball parks when the teams play each other; but after May’s debacle in which the racing pierogies tricked the presidents and won a race at Nationals Park, fans were left wondering whether the embarrassed presidents would … Continue reading Teddy Roosevelt leveled by racing pierogie at Pittsburgh’s PNC Park

Pittsburgh’s Pierogies run relays vs. Nationals Presidents

The Pittsburgh Pirates racing pierogies continued their 4-game visit to Nationals Park with a set of relay races against the Washington Nationals racing presidents. Last night’s game featured a traditional baton relay, with Tom and George pacing the field over sets of hurdles placed along the warning track. Tonight, the teams were switched, as each … Continue reading Pittsburgh’s Pierogies run relays vs. Nationals Presidents

Racing Presidents Run Hurdles to Honor Olympics

In their last home game to be played during these 2008 Olympics, the Washington Nationals pulled out all the stops to stage an Olympics-inspired presidents race during the fourth inning Sunday at Nationals Park. If Saturday night’s race-walk didn’t impress you, then the sight of our favorite 10-foot tall racing presidents jumping over hurdles certainly … Continue reading Racing Presidents Run Hurdles to Honor Olympics