Teddy’s sicks his pet moose “Bullee” on the competition, punches Mr. Met

Nationals racing president Abraham Lincoln has been on a tear recently, riding a four game winning streak into Friday night’s presidents race at Nationals Park. But Teddy Roosevelt brought a new character onto the field to disrupt Abe’s rhythm. As the fourth inning race began, Roosevelt was in front of the bullpen with a new … Continue reading Teddy’s sicks his pet moose “Bullee” on the competition, punches Mr. Met

Video: “Sharky” takes out George’s competition as shark week continues at Nationals Park

Shark Week continued Tuesday night at Nationals Park as George Washington stole another presidents race victory, appearing from the bullpen with a short “shark,” who proceeded to take out all of Washington’s competition. “He’s given up his hunting hound for his pet shark, Sharky,” intoned Nationals Park P.A. announcer Jerome Hruska. As his pet mowed … Continue reading Video: “Sharky” takes out George’s competition as shark week continues at Nationals Park