Fans won’t have to brave the cold for Natsfest 2011

3 thoughts on “Fans won’t have to brave the cold for Natsfest 2011”

  1. I guess the folks in Pittsburgh, St Louis, Minneapolis, Milwaukee, Chicago, Baltimore, etc. just must be heartier than we are.

    THis is a copout by the Nats. 26 other teams have great winter events. The Nats for the last few years have had great winter events for STH and families.

    Now the STH lunch is apparently gone, and the Fan Fest on a school/work day so most people can’t make it.

    Either someone dropped the ball or they’re being cheap. I’m wondering who they “surveyed” about the events from previous years, because I’ve been a STH since the start and I didn’t hear about a survey– did anyone else get one?

  2. I got the season ticket holder survey they did at the end of last season. Don’t recall if there were any questions on it specifically about the Winter Caravan/NatsFest. But there might have been.

What do you think?